Friday, February 12, 2010

Essential Tips Towards Effective SEO

Website administrators and web site owners alike are very much concerned about how their sites can actually generate traffic and build enormous followers in order to sustain the ranking or to the least get the desired ranking given by search engines like MSN, Yahoo, and Google. A lot of them go to the point of spending just as much in order to attain the desired traffic it wants. For a lot of website owners, there are a few tips that one can follow to be able to achieve that traffic.
- Get the best of your content. The major factor that plays to getting the elusive traffic and best ranking is simply evolving as to how essential and relevant the contents of the site is. Make sure that the content of your site gives topics that are up to date, informative, and fresh. Information bearing these characteristics are foremostly the ones looked upon by the net users.
- Generate links to other sites. When a site is link bound, then it is most likely that the site gets too much attraction from other sites, too. Thus, in itself, is a given fact for search engines to give the site a good impression that the site is giving what it is suppose to be giving its readers.
- Superimpose keyword presence on your site. Search engines are most likely very particular with the search terms that are found to be mostly used by net users. These search terms are then being qualified by the search engine as keywords. Therefore, it is essential that you bring about placing keywords on your site. Remember, keywords are what search engines look for when looking for search results.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Put SEO on Top of Your Marketing Strategies

With so many companies that are mushrooming in this Internet world, it is no wonder why business owners try to look for better ways how they can market their company. There have been so many ways that were considered but to date, search engine optimization is still the most effective marketing strategy.
The reason behind this is that most Internet surfers will go to search engines first to find the information that they are looking for. So if you want to be popular, better put search engine optimization on top of all your marketing strategies.
Here are the advantages of optimizing for search engines.
1. SEO is really cost-effective. If you are knowledgeable enough, actually you can do the task by yourself. But if you want to get a professional, you would really get the value of the amount that you will pay for hiring someone with the results that you will get.
2. If you rank on the search engines, you can be sure that you will be able to get the traffic that you want for your web site. The result is very favorable to your online business once your web site is optimized to the search engines.
3. If there are many links to optimize your site, you will be sure that there would be a lot of windows that would point to your site. This will give you more chances of getting more clicks to your site.
So the next time you think of ways to market your site, think of optimizing it with the search engines.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why don’t website visitors become My customers?

A website may have 500 or 5000 visitors a month, and yet not get call or sales from a site, many clients don't understand this, and ask me what the problem is.

The problem can be various things, if a site has 5000 visitors and you are not getting any sales, often it's because people are not finding what they want on the site, they can't navigate the site, or they can't use the cart easily. Getting 5000 visitors a month, you should be getting some sales. The SEO or the way the site shows in search engines could be deceptive.

On most websites, about 60% - 70% of visitors bounce, which means they leave after only looking at one page. Of the visitors that go to a second page, about 25% leave the site on the second page.

Of the visitors still on your website, you will have some that are spam spiders looking for more email addresses. There is the visitors that are there to steal your images or words for their own websites or school study's, that's a large % of visitors to a website… a very large percentage.

Then you have visitors like me, that are only on the site for research, just to give you an idea, my internet history tells me I visit between 10 and 15 thousand webpages a month, over the paste year, and I buy perhaps 2 things online a year.
So that could be viewed as about 70,000 pages viewed per purchase, yet most of the time I would visit a maximum of 10 pages to buy a product, the other page views I make are researching for various SEO clients I have, or just out of interest.

I don't know anyone that visitors as many pages as I do, (people that visit as many sites as I don't generally have time to know other people that surf all day every day) but I'm sure that few of us visit your website a day.

So after all that, maybe .5 % are actually serious customers wanting to buy whatever you are offering. How many of them are actually at the "got the credit card ready" stage or are now just comparing prices or services.

You maybe thinking by now that websites are a waste of time, but with a good SEO … ok an excellent SEO like me, that works on getting quality, relevant clients to a website, that % of website visitors ready to spend money on your products or services can be increased drastically.

I have a dentist in Chula Vista, San Diego for example, that is getting between 4% and 5% of his visitors becoming patients, and we all know how much dentists charge for their services. This dentist had a website for 4 years, which generated not patients at all.

All of the chiropractor's websites I have worked my SEO wizardry on, have had a significant increase both to the amount of visitors to their website, and the % of those visitors becoming patients.

The ecommerce websites I have worked on, have most often gone from having few visitors, and no sales at all, to thousands of visitors, and thousands of dollars of sales.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Checking Page Rank of Competition

You can also take the time and make the effort to check and analyze the individual page ranking of sections or specific elements of your competition's websites. Once again, you need to keep in mind that through such efforts as link building and what have you, it is possible to focus search engine attention on specific pages or sections of an Internet website.
In addition, you absolutely need to keep in mind that the Internet is an ever changing place. These continually changes on the Net can have a profound and significant impact on page rankings. In fact, these changes and alterations can occur in a matter of minutes.
For example, you can specifically draw attention to a squeeze page through targeted SEO. By drawing specific traffic to a squeeze page, you – or your competition – is able to undertake such tasks as effective list building. The emphasis here is on the targeted nature of the SEO. In this day and age, with the fierce competition that is prevalent across the Internet and World Wide Web, it is incumbent upon you to work to target as much as possible all elements of your marketing and promotional efforts, including what you undertake in order to draw consumers or other individuals to any squeeze page that you have elected to develop at this point in time.
One factor that you absolutely must always keep in mind is that the Internet and World Wide Web is an extremely fluid place. Therefore, the Internet is ever changing. As a result, if you really do want to “keep up with the Joneses,” keep up with – indeed, keep ahead of your competition – you need to develop a research and analysis regimen that allows you the ability to track this vital and crucial information on a most regular basis. Indeed, many experts suggest that you track this type of data on a daily basis.
Finally, you will also want to keep in mind that as you watch your competition, your competition will be watching you. This particularly is the case if you are operating an Internet based business. In this day and age, ecommerce and competition amongst Internet business owners and operators has grown all the more fierce.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Best SEO Strategies

When you are aiming to increase the traffic to your webpage, hiring an SEO expert or company is not the only option you have. With some many do-it-youreself guides available in the internet today, you can help your webpage rank higher on search engines without shelling out your precious money.
Some of the proven traffic generating SEO techniques are link building, good content writing, pay-per-click advertising and keyword usage. These may sound pretty simple yet they can involve a lot of research and tweaking before you may see your website registering on the first few pages or lines of a search engine's search results page.
One of the best SEO strategies that people who are in the know use is the link building technique. While it is important for a person to create links with other websites to make them visible, too many links can drop a website's score or rating on certain search engines. This will eventually lead to a website being relegated to pages further down in number rather than on the first 2 to 3 pages of these search engines. When choosing links, you will need to choose relevant links that are similar to your website as well as links that have high enough ranks on these search engines to help give your site a boost for being linked to them.
Another top traffic generating technique is the proper use of keywords in your content. These are word or phrases that online users are keying in when using search engine to find information on the web. Make sure you use the keywords that are most appropriate to your content and site so online users can easily find you.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.
Article Source:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

4 Useful Steps to Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization can be the start of everything. It can jumpstart your way to web traffic generation and put your online business on top of the most successful companies. Or it can also mean the start of your business downfall if you can’t do it right. Your business web site can be buried underneath millions of other web sites and the traffic you will generate is so miniscule your earnings can not even pay for the telephone bills. To succeed, you need to learn the 4 steps to fast search engine optimization techniques that will surely explode your web traffic.
1. Look for companies that offer optimization services. Find reliable companies by searching the internet. Choose the top five on the list of results. You can be sure that their service is actually effective because their web sites landed on the top pages of results. If they can make it possible for their companies, they can surely replicate it for you.
2. Use key words and phrases. This is very important because search engines look for key words to index a site. You should learn the correct usage and proper density of your key words and phrases. Use key word generator software to help you find out the most sought after key words and phrases.
3. Optimize your web pages. Make sure that you have no broken links and you have useful content in your site. These two factors are important if you want search engines to quickly index your web site.
4. Produce numerous inbound and outbound links in your site. Major search engines are looking for useful links in a site. You can fast track this method through blogs and social bookmarking sites.
Search engine optimization can really help your online business. All you need is your good sense and diligence in perfecting SE Optimization.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Powerful SEO Tactics to Boost Your High Ticket Product Sales

Are you serious in marketing your high ticket product and make sure that you get continuous long term traffic to your site on long term basis?
If you answered yes, you have to focus on driving traffic to your site from search engines.
There are some strategies that if you apply right now to drive traffic from search engines should positively get traffic to your site and sales on long term basis.
The traffic can even continue pouring for lifetime of
your website.
So make sure you take this step seriously.
The purpose of this article is to make sure that you sell your high ticket products using the power of search engine marketing.
Here are 2 steps to drive some serious traffic to your high ticket product using search engines....
Step 1 - Free Search Engine Traffic.
Step 2 - Pay Per Click Traffic.
Lets get down to step by step juicy stuff...
Step 1 - Free Search Engine Traffic.
Do you know the reason why search engine traffic is the highest quality traffic you can ever get and that too for free?
This is because your targeted prospect is searching for information related to your products on the search engine and then he arrives at your website after he has agreed to be qualified for getting information in your niche.
This will boost your sales conversion ratio right off the charts.
There are 2 things you need to do to get high search engine ranking for your site...
1. On Page Optimization.
This is the tactic in which you have to include your relevant keywords in your niche at various places on your webpage.
This includes title, meta, h1, body, image alt, etc tags so that search engine recognizes the content of your site so that it can display its searchers.
To get high ranking this is much more important to do...
2. Off-Page Optimization.
In this you have to focus on getting other sites related to your niche to link to your site.
If you can get this done your ranking will boost up on search engines pretty fast.
The most important thing that you can do to get others to link to your site is to write and distribute your articles for free with a link to your site in your article resource box.
This will spread your articles virally and your
links too.
Step 2 - Pay Per Click Traffic.
In simple terms you pay the ppc engines for every click to your website.
If you bid on ppc engines to pay 10 cents per visitor, you will pay 10 cents per every click to your site.
Your ranking will be depended upon the bid per click that you place.
Some top pay per click search engines include...
1. Google Adwords.
2. Yahoo Search Marketing.
You have to know the value of per visitor to your website before you start playing this bidding war.
So make sure you learn the ropes before diving inside the ppc war.
Apply the 2 steps laid above and I bet your product should receive some serious traffic and sales from the power of search engine marketing.
The purpose of this article is to make sure that you make some ridiculous amounts of cash and traffic from SEO.
Don't just read this article but also apply the details if you are serious in driving some cool search engine traffic on long term basis.
There is no better time to take action, get started today...
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Getting Your Site Indexed

Not to be mistaken for new page indexing that Google now offers 24 hour on demand page indexing for existing sites that have deployed Google Site Search on their sites. However "On Demand Indexing" now offered by Google can be useful if you decide to get serious about your hot trends business and run a Word Press Blog on your own domain. More on that later.
Site indexing is just that. Getting your new web site or blog's domain name (URL), indexed into it's search engine database. There is no hope of attaining any search engine position, low or high, without Google first doing what is called spidering the Internet with "Bots" that go out and search for new sites and new information on existing sites. These bots are generated from the numerous data centers Google has around the world. When they spider for indexing is a closely held secret. It is not on any regular schedule.
I can remember before Google was even in existence and it taking weeks to sometimes months to get a site indexed in what was the hot search engines and directories of the day. Old systems like Netscapes search engine, Web Crawler, Magellan, Excite, and others have been folded into the biggies we know today. A Few like MSN and Yahoo are a couple that have stood the test of time and the onslaught of Google. One relatively new one "" (Used to be "Ask Jeeves), is the only newcomer in years to grow and remain a semi major player. So when I hear people complain about it taking a week to get their new site indexed on Google, I have to laugh just a little. They don't know how good they have it.
Getting your site indexed quickly in the search engines is still not an exact science. At least not in the time frames we need to get them indexed in. so we're not going to rely on them being indexed and certainly not getting 1st page search engine results. Be proactive and getting our own traffic is the key.
However I have seen the methods listed below get a brand new blog indexed in less that 24 hours. That is livable in the fast paced world of hot trends marketing. I will occasionally not mess with the following processes if I found a hot trend that is pretty iffy. I won't take time spending time on something that is a long shot. Why do I take iffy long shots? Because I can afford the time or am between other projects when I do. And it's kind of a kick when I do go for a long shot and it pays off.
With that in mind, it is still worth employing a couple of tricks I've learned along the way. These action steps will only take you a few minutes once you have the process down.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? Download my new recording for free here: How to Sell Coaching
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Optimizing the Search Engine in 3 Ways

It is a well known fact that the survival of the website depends primarily on how the search engine sees its usability and functionality based on not only one but many gauging factors. One of the most talked about factors is the traffic that the site is capable of driving onto itself. The traffic is the frequency of visits that the site is able to capture from the millions of net users who access the net. When your site is able to catch a huge portion of these visits, then the traffic goes to your site. Search engine then sees the functionality and usability of your site to potentially a lot of net users - thus achieving search engine optimization. Below are some of the various ways on how you can better achieve search engine optimization or SEO:
a. Search engine optimization is driven by a factor called keyword content. This means that in order to achieve better search engine optimization, you need to make sure that you get to place necessary, meaningful relevant and functional, keywords on your website content. However, it is not suggested that you overly place these keywords on your web content that it will rather look like more of a keyword-based content. You still need to regulate the density of keywords on your articles to make it not only search engine friendly but online user friendly as well.
b. Search engine is driven by a factor called website content. The content is not basically being monitored by the search engine. The search engine does not have the capacity to read and analyze what you are writing on your website. The content becomes a big factor to SEO because the search engine knows that the primary reason why a net user would visit your site is because there is essential information that he or she was able to see on your website. Considerably, this becomes then the indicator of the search engine to brand your website to have good content.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Friday, November 20, 2009

6 Key Ways to Make a Profit With SEO

People type some keywords to be searched by the search engine in the search bar. The search engine the produces a results page. The results of the search are displayed in the form of a number of pages. If your website happens to appear on the first page of the results whenever someone conducts a related search, your chances of getting web visitors increase. It is possible only through proper search engine optimization. There are many online marketers who earn a lot through rendering their services for search engine optimization. If you want to make money through search engine optimization, you can do so by following certain ways.
1. If you are a copy writer, you can make lots and lots of money through writing search engine optimized copies for the websites. There are millions of web sites out there are all of those need search engine optimized content.
2. If you are good at link popularity, you can sell out your services and place the links to the web site. You can get paid for this service.
3. In a similar fashion you can get paid for designing and placing banner ads of a web site at proper places on the web.
4. If you are good at adding tags to the content of a web site you can also earn through SEO.
5. You can also make money through search engine optimization by thinking of the keywords which people may use to look for a particular information or product on the web.
6. Supplementing your search engine optimization efforts with other methods of promoting a web site will help you in making lots and lots of money through online resources.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

5 Swift Steps to Generate More Money Through Search Engine Optimization

Want to know the quick steps to search engine optimization? Understanding the online world may be quite difficult for a beginner but the truth is, it is very easy to start with. If you already have a business online, you must focus on how to rank high in search engines. With the so many other businesses out there, you should know the secrets on how to jump start your way and get SEO fast! All you need is a computer and an internet connection.
1. Target the most popular search engine sites and submit to them while you can. The most widely known sites are Yahoo, Google and MSN. Get a domain name for your site and start advertising and increasing your traffic.
2. Make sure you have an appealing site. Anyone would bother looking or reading a content which has a boring and very static page, right? The web page should include pictures, videos or backgrounds which truly add color to your page. Just make sure that it is proportioned enough.
3. Remember to keep everything in moderation. In this way, people will notice your page and view it as simple yet elegant-looking. Once you get a nice web page it is time that you focus on the article’s content. It does not matter how long it will be.
4. The titles should contain the primary keywords and the secondary keywords can be mentioned in the later part of the article. Advertising play a very great role in determining the success of your company.
5. Try to know what the customers need and what your competitors lack. Make them feel present by immediately responding to their queries and other useful information. You can also buy little advertisement spaces in order to have a greater possibility. You can create a blog or if not, you can resort to press release writing.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


SEO & Website Design San Diego: November 2009: "Investing In Women has awarded a $500 “stimulus package” to a woman owned business, The Underground Railroad To Success. The URS was started by Tanisha Cunningham to teach independence to foster children. This grant will give the non-profit a chance to market their business.

- Investing In Women has awarded their first grant to a woman owned business in the USA. The recipient of the award is Tanisha Cunningham, founder of The Underground Railroad to Success ( The URS is a non-profit that provides a service to foster children aging out of the system to live independently as adults while becoming an integral part of society. This is great for foster children and also has a positive affect on our society as a whole.

“Aging out” is the term used for children who go into foster care, but are never returned to their families of origin or adopted by others. They stay in the system until they turn 18, or graduate from high school, and for the most part, are left to fend for themselves as best they can.

Tanisha Cunningham started URS in January of 2009. A child of foster care herself, she saw the need for foster kids to have additional support when they were no longer eligible for state run services. Soon after her foster care ended, she began a career in child welfare

“I wanted to stay there because my passion had always been to give back, because I knew the struggles of living in foster care, and the fear of leaving unprepared, not having a place to go or having the skills to obtain a job.”

Investing In Women ( is a free business resource site, grant program and marketing venue for entrepreneurs. The organization plans to offer several micro grants in 2010, including grants that are not awarded based on gender."

Regards Lynn

International SEO based in Hillcrest, San Diego, Southern California

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

3 Top Ways to Make More Profit With SEO

A lot has been said about SEO, but these things remain true: It's one of the best traffic-generating tools that you cannot afford to ignore and it's the best way to go if you'd like to get higher ranking on major search engines. If you know the ins and outs of SEO, there is no doubt that you can drive quality traffic to your site, and we all know that this traffic can easily be converted to cash. Here are the top 3 ways to make more profit with SEO:
1. White hat techniques. There are several SEO techniques that webmasters are using in order to improve their page ranking. However, not all of them are legal based on search engines' guidelines. To make profit with SEO, always stick with those which are legal and acceptable, otherwise, you might be penalized by major search engines.
2. Content. Keep your content fresh, engaging, useful, and interesting. This will be the main reason why online users will visit your site.
3. Keywords/keyphrases. Make your content not only user friendly but also search engine friendly too. Sprinkle generous amount of relevant keywords to each page of your site so they will be all indexed by major search engines. Pay attention to appropriate keyword density too. Make sure that your keywords don't sound odd or like they were just put on to your content just to attract search engines. They must sound natural at all times.
Optimizing your website can be very easy if you know the best SEO techniques that work best for your site. To get high page ranking, you can also submit your site to major search engines. That and those 3 mentioned steps can pull up your ranking in no time.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

3 Cardinal Ways to a Better SEO

Search engine optimization a known subset of the search engine marketing is a marketing method that most business people and marketers are using in order to make their sites gain popularity and recognition from search engines to obtain better ranking from them. Search engine optimization allows for your site whether a business or a personal site to obtain a potential better search engine results. It gives these sites more capabilities to be searched. If you are serious about having to undergo search engine optimization, to better the position of your site on the ranking, then you have to make sure that you strictly follow these guidelines.
a. Kill any substance and traces of irrelevant keywords on your site content. These irrelevant and non substantial keywords on your site content just push the keyword density to its limit even when these do not have bearing on the development of your site at all. It is suggested therefore, that you start replenishing your keywords on your site content with new and fresh keywords to substantiate the need.
b. Periodically, check and modify your site in terms of the design, color schemes, themes, and similar graphical illusion factors. This is a good move for your site in giving it a newer and fresher look. So what does all these changes mean to Search Engine? Well, it may not directly impact the search engine but when your potential clients are able to see good things, newer and more innovative this time, it puts certain charisma to your site to have it visited more often.
c. To gain both search engine and client’s approval, you need to combine the elements of good design and content of the site and relevant and precise keyword positioning on your whole site. With these things at hand, you basically an undefeated and incomparable site.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Intermediate Ways to Make a Profit With Search Engine Optimization

If you would like to pull up your search engine ranking and get more traffic at the same time, you better take search engine optimization seriously. Here are the intermediate ways that you can use in order to make more profit through SEO:
1. Keywords. When we talk about SEO, we are basically talking about using keywords effectively. Thus, when you are on the stage of putting content on your site, identify the keywords or keyphrases that will best describe your website. List down all keyphrases that are commonly used by your target market when they are using search engines. Then, do a research on each keyphrase to identify your competition. If a keyphrase has very tight competition and will put your website on the 200th position, then your site will never be found by your target market. The key here is focusing your efforts on keywords that can get your webpage on the top 10 search results.
2. Write good content. Once you have identified the perfect keywords for your site, it would be easier to create content for it. Just make sure that your keywords will appear on your titles, on the body of the articles, and on the conclusion. Also, pay attention to the quality of your contents. Make sure that they are useful and interesting. In addition, your content must be free from any grammatical or spelling errors so they will appear more professional to your visitors.
3. Submit your articles to search engines. If you are trying to reach the global market, you should not get contented with the 3 major search engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo!), instead you must also submit your website to foreign search engines, specialty directories, and open directories.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fast-Tracking Your Search Engine Optimization Knowhow

Search engine optimization can be done in two ways. One involves using a technical approach that requires "behind-the-scenes" programming through the use of Meta Tags and the analysis of visitor behavior through the aid of web metrics or statistics to derive at the right keywords to use and the appropriate content to provide. Although you may not personally do this, hiring a developer to do this may also need time and big money. Hiring developers can be done in the long run.
And the other, simply deals with using a practical approach: banking on your content. Focusing on your content can be done in several ways:
1. Providing relevant content. Relevant in the sense that your content is truly useful to your intended visitors and that it has a common relation with a particular search engine provider. Example is if you cater to Google services users, there is a chance that you have higher ranking in Google than in Yahoo. Makes sense?
2. Use keyword density sparingly. Keyword density, or the use of a particular word repeatedly in your website, has its limitations. If you use a particular word too much too often in the content of a page in your website, search engine providers will consider it as keyword spamming and will not rank you high in their listings. As they say, keeping things in moderation-even in the case of using keywords in your website-is still the best approach.
3. Arrange content hierarchically. Arranging your content in terms of their importance and correlation adds points to your optimization scheme as this, in a way, creates an illusion of specialization on a particular topic while providing easy navigation for visitors, which in itself is a good factor for repeat visits.
4. Deploy software when capable and able. If you feel you are comfortable in using SEO software in your website and you have the money for it, don't hesitate in doing so if this means quick ROI for you aside from attaining your goal efficiently and quickly. Just be careful in choosing the software for you site.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Official Google Blog: RT @google: Tweets and updates and search, oh my!

I can't see google doing this for very long, can you just imagine the tweets that will show up in google. At least 700 million tweets saying "read this article", and another billion tweets, I'm having coffee at Starbucks" Sure there are interesting tweets in among the spam, but they really are hidden... I try to write something worth reading, but I can't say I always succeed

Anyway have a read.

Official Google Blog: RT @google: Tweets and updates and search, oh my!: "RT @google: Tweets and updates and search, oh my!
10/21/2009 02:09:00 PM
At Google, our goal is to create the most comprehensive, relevant and fast search in the world. In the past few years, an entirely new type of data has emerged — real-time updates like those on Twitter have appeared not only as a way for people to communicate their thoughts and feelings, but also as an interesting source of data about what is happening right now in regard to a particular topic.

Given this new type of information and its value to search, we are very excited to announce that we have reached an agreement with Twitter to include their updates in our search results. We believe that our search results and user experience will greatly benefit from the inclusion of this up-to-the-minute data, and we look forward to having a product that showcases how tweets can make search better in the coming months. That way, the next time you search for something that can be aided by a real-time observation, say, snow conditions at your favorite ski resort, you'll find tweets from other users who are there and sharing the latest and greatest information."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Building Traffic Thru Optimized Search Engine

Essentially, the reason why web sites exist is because it is significantly contributing a thing to a lot of people. This is the same reason why people keep on visiting this site. As such, seen to be building and generating too much traffic. When a site is deemed to have been building a significant amount of traffic, then search engines give it a better ranking in terms of search results. Due to this, a lot of webmasters and web owners alike are exerting their effort to build traffic on their sites just so to get an optimized search engine. In order to be achieving this, there are a few tips on how you can optimally make your site search engine friendly.
- Sprinkle your content with keyword related terms. Search engines look at a site on different mechanisms. One of the ways on how a search engines looks a site is how useful it is going to be net users based on the most commonly used search terms. If your website has all these terms that they use, it is most likely that search engines give you better ranking.
- Along with usable search terms, it will definitely help if you have potentially good site content. The reason why people come and visit sites is because they look for information that are fresh, up to date, relevant, and highly inquisitive. If your content has all these characteristics, it is no doubt that users will find his way to look your site.
- Know your competitors’ move. Naturally, there are sites that tremendously have large followers. Do not just stare at these sites getting all the traffic everyone desires. Try to learn the techniques that they use and be adaptive of these techniques.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Friday, October 16, 2009

What Fortune Does SEO Bring?

Search engine optimization or SEO has long been a hot topic to common discussions in any gathering of minds. Its great impact and the undoubted help that it brings a website made it controversial these days. Just what does SEO have that every site owner wants to have it? How impacting is SEO to any site that seemingly it becomes the mecca of all marketing instruments? Well, if one would be summarizing the impacts and he benefits that one would be getting from it, a day in his life would not suffice it. Just so I could give you a bird’s eye view as to what SEO and how impacting it is on your site, the listed items below can help:
a. Ranking and Indexing. As we all that a site when newly launched on the net takes a couple of months or more than before it gets to be indexed by the search engine. Indexing is essential for any site because that marks the start of the site being recognized as an existing site in the eye of the search engine. Now, even when your site has already been indexed, then you will have to compete with the rest of the other sites to get the best ranking on the net. Ranking is how well prioritized your site is to the hundreds of thousands of sites on the net. Thru Search Engine Optimization, you get to obtain the best result in both the ranking and indexing.
b. Revved Up Sales and Conversion. As an effect of a better ranking and faster indexing, you get to have half an assurance of your site getting more visits and generating more traffic on your site. Given this fact, you are now an inch in advantage towards raking more sales and conversions from potential clients.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

5 Steps for Getting Started With SEO

The competition in the online world of business has increased a lot in the recent past. The last few years have seen a huge increase in the number of web sites on the World Wide Web. In this situation it has become really important for all the web sites to find good opportunities to advertise themselves. Online advertising and promotion is a must for all the web sites to survive the competition today.
Search engine optimization is very important in this regard. People search for any material on the web using the search engines as a tool. If your web site is search engine optimized, the search engine will pick you up whenever a related search is conducted. In this way you will start getting more visitors. The flow of web traffic will be regular and that will ensure that your web based business will be a successful one.
If you want to get started with search engine optimization, first of all you should rearrange the content of your web site. First few lines of the content are really important. It is better if these lines have keywords and tags. This will help the web site in getting noticed. Now submit your web site to the search engine and web directories.
Your chances of becoming a search engine favorite will increase. Increase your link popularity. Place your banner ads at proper places on the internet. All these steps will make your web site search engine optimized. Being search engine optimized will help you in getting regular flow of web traffic. This will ensure that your web based business will be a success in the long run.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Monday, October 12, 2009

5 Best Ways to Make a Profit With SEO

Do you know what it takes to optimize your website? There are basic search engine optimization steps that you can learn from various articles online. These basic SEO tips can help you with the proper use of keywords, keyword density, link building, and using various tags. This article will help you get acquainted with the 5 best ways so you can earn money through SEO:
1. Google adword. If you have the money to shell out, it is a wise move to invest on pay-per-click system. It is the process of choosing and bidding on keywords that are usually being used by your target market when they search something online using search engines.
2. Stick to white hat techniques. This simply means that you resort to SEO techniques that are approved by search engines. Other webmasters who would like to manipulate their ranking resort to unethical techniques. While this might work, it will definitely hurt their rankings in the long run or worst their websites might be banned by Google, Yahoo! Or MSN.
3. Use the most appropriate keywords on your content. Identify the most searched keywords that are relevant to your website or with the products and services that you are offering. Keyword program analyzers can help you out in figuring the best keywords to utilize.
4. Build links. Search engine will rank your website higher if there are a lot of quality links pointing to it. Thus, you must know how to exchange links with websites that share your topic. You can also utilize article marketing and forum posting to get quality inbound links in no time.
5. Create a sitemap. A sitemap will tremendously help search engine spiders in indexing your page. To make the most out of it, make sure that your sitemap is well structured and contains all the links on your website.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

3 Top Ways to Make More Money With SEO

Search engine optimization is very important in the present world of online business. The use of internet has become a major part of the world of trade and business today. There are millions of web sites which are currently working on the internet. You can find web sites related to almost every business in the web. The ebusiness has flourished at as very fast pace. In this world of very high level of competition it is a must that you promote your web based business quickly. If you do not promote your web site properly, you will not be able to get the best possible results.

Search engine optimization is one such step. When you make your web site search engine optimized, you are in a position of getting more web traffic and to make more profit through quality web traffic visits to your web sites. Search engine optimization helps you in getting a number of visitors. This will not be possible without making your web site a search engine favorite. The search engine optimization help you directly in making money through increased visits to your web site. It also helps you indirectly, in many ways.

Making money through search engine optimization is possible. You can earn a lot of money through the expansion in the volume of business due to the increased number of visits. In this way you also can earn a lot through helping the other web sites in their promotional activities. If you help them by placing their links or their banner ads, you can earn a lot by charging them for this favor. In this way you can make money through search engine optimization.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Car Accidents Neck Pain

Filed under: Articles — SEO @ 4:01 pm Edit This

Neck Pain from Whiplash-Car Accident Injury

Whiplash is an injury typically seen when you get rear-ended in an auto accident. Rear end car accidents only make up about 25% of all car crashes, yet they account for about 40% of all car crash injuries. Research has shown that subjects can have whiplash injuries in rear end collisions of less than 5 mph, probably slower than you drive in a parking lot.

This is one reason why whiplash injuries make up such a large percentage of auto accident injuries. Almost half of Americans who suffer from chronic neck pain, attribute it to a previous whiplash injury.

Whiplash pain
usually involves some or all of these symptoms, reduced neck range of motion, neck pain, muscle pain, or headaches. If you experience any of the symptoms after a car accident then you should see an auto injury specialist immediately.

It is common for whiplash pain to not show up until weeks or months after the accident. Most of these people are the ones who never get help for their pain, and are at much greater risk for developing chronic neck pain in the future.

As a chiropractor that specializes in treating whiplash and other car accident injuries, I can attest to the importance of seeking treatment for a whiplash injury and not just dulling the pain with over the counter or prescription drugs. I have seen both sides of the coin. I’ve had numerous patients come in to see me for chronic neck pain, and in finding out about their history they’ve been in one or more car accidents. On the other side I’ve had people come to see me immediately after a major car accident, and in time able to get them back to 100%.

I have personally received the most extensive training in car accident injuries that is available, in addition to my chiropractic education, and feel that it is very important that you do your homework after being in an accident. Find a doctor who has additional training specific to car accidents.

Visit Authors Website Car Accident Injuries Doctor
Writers Bio

Dr. Andrew Mairs is a licensed Chiropractor in the state of California. He received his doctorate from Palmer College of Chiropractic-West in San Jose, California. Dr. Mairs has also received additional training in the area of auto accident injuries, extremity injuries, and prenatal care. Dr. Mairs has his own office in San Diego.

Dr Mairs is accepting new patients at his San Diego Chiropractic Office

Mairs Chiropractic

(619) 261-6590

Pain Relief San Diego Blog

Neck Pain from Whiplash Car Accident Injuries

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Intermediate Ways To Great Search Engine Optimization

As the owner or operator of an Internet business, you understand the vital importance of having the very best search engine optimization. When it comes to getting the best search engine optimization, there are some intermediate ways that you can best enhance your own search engine optimization for your website.
First of all, when it comes to having the best search engine optimization, you will want to make sure that you regularly review the keyword selections that you have made to be included in content and copy that is included on your website. The fact is that there can be changes with quiet a degree of regularity when it comes to the actual search terms that individuals are using.
Second, in establishing the best search engine optimization for your website, you will want to monitor the traffic to your website and pay attention to how long a person stays at your website and what that person actually does when they are at your site. You need to make certain that they keywords you select work in tandem with the materials and information that you have at your site to fully attract a potential client or customer.
In the end, you need to keep in mind and appreciate that the best search engine optimization is a fluid process. You need to be versatile and adaptable in order to stay on the top of your SEO game. By doing so, you will enhance your revenue and profits.
One of the real keys to seo is testing and tracking - if you are not testing and tracking, you are leaving money and rankings on the table.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How to Reach the Peak of SEO

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is perhaps one of the oldest traffic-generating techniques that is proven to work in terms of pulling a site's ranking on search engines. Most webmasters, if not all, include these techniques together with other traffic-generator tools because it is the basic step in driving traffic to their sites. Here are some proven techniques that you can use to get the most out of SEO:
a. Periodically, make enhancements and when possible and needed, make some necessary changes on your web pages. The modifying and changing that you need to do does not only encompass the content of the web. You may opt, when necessary, at changing the graphical designs on your web to complement it with the changes made on the content. You can also incorporate new technologies like audio and video streaming if your site does not have that yet to make it more suitable and adaptive to the needs of the potential clients.
b. You can also make a review on the keyword contents that you have on your site. Some of these keywords may not have been updated for quite some time that they need to be modified or changed at a certain degree. As we all know, these keywords are essential points that you need to observe from time to time because these are the rate indexes used by the search engines to classify your site appropriately in terms of ranking and search engine page results.
c. Pay close attention to your content. Search engines and online users love webpages that are constantly updated. Make it a habit to post new content on your site at least twice a week. Give you readers a reason to come back to your site and search engines will give you a reason to stay on top.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Small Business Hints: Affiliate Marketing - What's True And What's BS

Small Business Hints: Affiliate Marketing - What's True And What's BS
As with many things on the internet affiliate marketing has a lot of stigmas attached to it. There are many individuals out there who make affiliate marketing seem as if it's the next big get rich quick scheme. That you can add code top your website or emails and BAM, make a ton of money. This is not true my friends; so don't buy into the hype. read more Affiliate Marketing - What's True And What's BS

Regards Lynny

SEO San Diego

Getting On Google Expert

Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!

Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Google Consultant

Google Consultant – Should this job title be allowed? | Matt Inertia´s Blog

Regards Lynny

SEO San Diego

Getting On Google Expert

Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!

Not The Cheapest SEO, I get SEO Results

Thursday, August 6, 2009

How to Enhance Your Search Engine Optimization

Do you often wonder why your competitor's web pages rank higher than yours? It is just but natural to be conscious on your rank at Yahoo, Google and other much-used engines as compared to your competitor's sites. A lot of honest advice were written on the subject. Here are a few pointers to attain a high-ranked website.
1. Always update your pages. A web master must regularly update the content of a page. This will create an impression that the site is active and dynamic. To provide better results, your search engines must be updated to ensure that your result pages will show the most relevant search results.
2. Your search engine optimization should consider how search algorithms work and what people search for. This effort includes site coding, presentation and structure, as well as fixing problems that could prevent search engine indexing programs from spidering. Search engine change their ranking algorithms from time to time so be ready to cope up when a more complex ranking algorithms will be developed.
3. Monitor the sites with which you periodically change links. A search engine is a very large collection of links so it is just but crucial to carefully select and closely monitor the sites in which you exchange links. Sites are penalized when they actively link to another site. So if any page of your site contains links to outside sites, it is fundamental to ensure that these sites are not being penalized. You may opt to find the Google tool bar to be helpful for this tip.
4. Cloaking is strongly discouraged. Currently, every major engine imposes penalties on sites that use cloaking. Though cloaking does not solely intend to trick search engines, some high-ranking pages are cloaked to prevent others from stealing the underlying code--”page jacking”.
5. Avoid keyword stuffing. This simply means being certain that your text on each of your pages reads naturally and that no phrases are repeated too frequently as this will make you vulnerable to be penalized.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

8 Steps to Make More Profit With Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine optimization is important. If a web site is search engine optimized; the chances of increase in the business volume are great. The search engines will pick you up while anybody performs a search and you will get lots of visitors. This is what is important to succeed in the online world of business. Making profit through search engine optimization is important. You can make lots of money through search engine optimization. It is better if you follow certain steps if you want to achieve this target.
First of all, consider the existing stage of your web site. You can get your web site search engine optimized through a number of sources. To achieve this target you need to know exactly what is wrong with your web site’s optimization currently. Once you know what you exactly need, you can move forward towards other steps. At this stage you need to get the content of your web site rewritten. Make sure that you have appropriate key words in the content of your web site. Once done with this, you need to submit your web site to the search engines and the web directories. This improves your chances of getting the maximum benefit out of search engine optimization. Becoming a search engine favorite is important. Place the links to your web site on appropriate places on the web. Placing your banner ads may also be a very good idea. The final step is to start making money through the excessive number of visitors. You can earn through your web site now.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

6 Best Practices for Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a science for some people while it's an art for others. But whatever way you see it, SEO is about optimizing your website in such a way that it complies with the qualities search engine algorithms (also known as crawlers) look for when ranking a site high in search results.
If you want your website to land on the first page of search results associated with a certain set of keywords, here are 6 quick SEO tips to give you the edge you need:
1.) Build your link popularity by getting as many websites as you can to link back to your own site. It's much better if your site gets linked back by a more popular website. To crawlers, this means your site is good enough to be recommended by other people, and thus it results to better rankings.
2.) If your site has many pages, it's best to have a site map. Make sure all the pages of your site link back to it. To crawlers, a site map means easy navigation, and this is a good thing for them because it makes it faster for them to go over your site.
3.) Use popular and relevant keywords related to your site. The more searched-for your keywords are, the more in demand your site will be to the crawlers. This will lead to higher search engine rankings.
4.) Better than link exchanges, article exchanges provide more assurance of higher rankings. In article exchanges, it's not only your site's link that gets posted in other places, but also your content. For crawlers that give special attention to content, this is a good thing.
5.) The anchor text is the textual representation of a hyperlink. If you have several anchor texts in your site, make sure that they vary. If they all look the identical, crawlers will think you employed automation. For Google, that's enough to get you banned.
5.) Post high quality content in your website. Crawlers are concerned first and foremost with quality, so finding a shortcut around this will not work for you in the long run. Take time to sit down and produce high quality content because it's enough to attract readers and gain popularity through word of mouth, reposting, and recommendations.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing
Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Links, Links, and More Links.

Getting Links to get on Google

I'm sure you have heard that getting links to your website is the best way to Get your site on Google, although this is correct, the number of links you have to get to your website to Get on Google Search is massive if you don't have the right type of link.

What is the right type of link?

That's really difficult to explain, there are so many variables, but very basically,

a link from a page
  • that has high pagerank of it's own
  • is of the same subject matter
  • is optimized for the same thing as the page it's linking too,
  • where the link words are well thought out
Will give you the best results, of course getting all those criteria is almost impossible, but that's are a good list to keep in mind.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hiring an SEO, that knows SEO

SEO Taught in a Class, or an SEO that's learned the Hard Way Through Experience.

Many company's believe that they must hire someone that has some sort of SEO qualification, this is all very well, to lessen the number of applicants, but is it realistic?

I've been asked to beta best 3 different SEO courses over the years, the main concern of all the places offering the courses, was that the didn't give too much SEO tricks away.

So would your company like a hire a "fully trained SEO", with 10 pieces of paper, saying that they completed, this or that course, and came 1st in the class, or someone that has learned SEO themselves, before it even had a name, has learned all the tricks, learned what really does work, and what doesn't, no matter what the experts say. Remembering of course experts don't like to give away all their secrets, they want eternal students to take another course, so in fact the fewer secrets per course the better.

I haven't yet seen an SEO course that is up-to-date with how search engines are working now, or have anything in them that isn't available free somewhere online.

Sure some SEO is technique but a good 50% of SEO is intuition, and you can't teach or learn how to work with your gut feelings, how to go with what feels right.

Give me a self taught anything to do with computers, because they know all the mistakes that can be made, and know how to quickly turn mistakes made by other SEO's into valuable marketing techniques.

By not knowing the so-called rules of SEO, when I started, I haven't limited myself by any boundaries, I get SEO results using techniques that haven't ever been used my the so-called experts.

Since I'm self taught, I never think I know it all, even though I do kid that I'm an SEO Guru, so I'm always looking at new things, new ways of getting links, and spend at least a couple of hours a day, looking at what Google seems to be doing this week.

Constantly watching Google, and what it's doing, is the very best training out there, look, research, find out why one website ranks better than another, keep looking until you find out exactly what all the techniques used are. See what the #2 thru #10 SERP's website needs to do to rank #1, see mistakes Indian SEO company's do wrong most of the time, the Indian SEO company's are very good teachers of what not to do. For the most part, they are taught SEO, and are excellent examples of why company's shouldn't hire someone that has SEO training.

Regards LB

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What is Website optimization or Optimisation?

The term website optimization -- or optimisation, as the British spell it -- refers
About Links
to a number of techniques that are utilized to ensure that your website appears on the first page of search results in various search engines.

Because people search for things in different ways, the important issue regarding "Search Engine Optimization" is that you want your site to appear high in searches for hundreds or perhaps thousands of search phrases, not just a few.

If I don’t account for the possibility that you, the search engine user, will find your way to my page by entering any combination, order and spellings of the query “what is search engine optimization,” including “search engine optimisation” (spelled with an “s”), plain “SEO,” or perhaps “Optimisation Search Engine what is it” (with capitals and different word order), then I stand to lose many hits, most likely to someone who did prepare for more keyword search possibilities.

You may notice that I am using optimisation and optimization interchangeably. That's because in New Zealand we spell that word with an s, while Americans spell it with a z. I am making a great effort to Americanize my spelling.

Getting back to the topic of ranking well in search engine results, I have authored several articles on the importance of this concept and will include some links at the end of this article.
I have been involved in website design for over 7 years and taught myself the skills necessary for allowing search engines to find websites before I knew that there was a name for it (SEO). I have come to the realization that it is not enough to merely have a professional website.

SEO, or search engine optimisation, of the site you are creating also requires that the website contain accessible content that search engines can index and that users of these search engines can find using many different keywords and phrases. This leads to more frequent and higher-ranking appearances of the website in the results of search engines across the board.

It is quite gratifying to have clients who are happy that their website that is not only attractive, but is successful as well. I have come to the realization that being a jack-of-all-trades is not always efficient, so now my business is co-owned by a web-designer/developer and I have a programmer who handles the more complex websites.

My point is that a good SEO or search engine optimisation specialist should allow search engines to be able to index your website for as many related and similar keywords as possible. When you know what you are doing, this is not a difficult task. It does consume a bit of time, but it is not very hard.

SEO Consultant
Professional Website Design
SEO Services

Websites Need SEO and Brochures need reprinting

About Links
Brochures need reprinting, or Websites Need SEO

Selecting the cheapest possible web site is not advised if your goal is to earn money from your web site. The best way for you to insure that potential clients can find your website is to invest the money needed to have a professionally built website your site optimized for search engines.

Unlike brochure printing, you do not need your entire website rebuilt from scratch each time your company, which offers scenic wildlife tours, must change a facet of its operation.

If you compare the costs of producing a quality brochure, and having a website, built. seo done and online 24/7, even in the short term, a website is less expensive.

To have 50,000 professional brochures designed, printed in color, delivered to you, and distributed through travel agents and tourist information centers would cost somewhere around $15,000-$20,000. The entire cost of this service accrues again and again every six to nine months. A website would cost at most $15,000 for website design, built, maintenance , Superior SEO, and only cost approx $5000 a year thereafter for regular updates and changes.

Use that time and money to hire a professional website designer, and infuse your site with search optimization strategies, and you can see 10,000 new visitors hitting your site every month after the first six months, and 20,000 unique new visitors within a year, in addition to those who keep coming back.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

does the yellow pages offer you a website

Yes the yellow pages do offer you a website, but they are very un search engine friendly, and cost a fortune, You would be better off, using one of our SEO friendly CMS’s, that work the same as the yellow pages websites, but only cost a fraction of the price.

We have an option to hire our SEF CMS, you only pay extra for customizations, which yellow pages don’t offer. You get their set templates. But pay for customizations, and pay a set monthly fee, the monthly fee depends on what you will be doing with the website if it’s an online shop

selling upto 100 products, it could be $50 a month, if you are selling 1000 products, it might be $200 a month. If it’s a personal website, showing your art, but not selling through the site it might only be $20 a month. Just write and ask. All prices include hosting and are not set, they are just to give you an idea of the possibilities available.

There are also times, say when you have built your site in FrontPage as a try out, and you have seen the potential of a website. Then you would be better off to start afresh with a SEF CMS, or Search Engine Friendly, Content Management System.

The CMS means you can if you wish build the whole site yourself, or have us build a professional website, and then you add your products as you see fit, or make changes to your pages as you want, this scheme you pay for the professional design, then pay a minimal monthly fee which includes hosting. Write to me at and ask about this service.

Regards Lynny

Best SEO San Diego to New Zealand

SEO Consultant

And designer of professional websites

Doing seo for your website How?

If you have built your own website, and now want to do your own SEO, I have an SEO consultancy service, I’ll look at your website, and tell you what needs doing and how, and you do it, and save yourself thousands in the cost of SEO.

There are also times, say when you have built your site in FrontPage as a try out, and you have seen the potential of a website.

Then you would be better off to start afresh with a SEF CMS, or Search Engine Friendly, Content Management System, The CMS means you can if you wish build the whole site yourself, or have us build a professional website, and then you add your products as you see fit, or make changes to your pages as you want.

Regards Lynny

Best SEO San Diego to New Zealand

SEO Consultant

And designer of professional websites

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's the words in a link that matter.

When linking between pages on your website, or from another website to your site, it's the actual words used in the link that matter. just haing something like SEOwise is not that helpful for getting your website to rank highly in search engines for various terms.

If on the other hand I had the chance to use a link like SEO in San Diego, Southern California, USA and you had enough of links like that sooner or later you would start ranking well for that phrase.

A prime example is the click here example, many many website around the world, have a click here link to the adobe free pdf reader. And if you do a search for click here, even though those actual words aren't on the website itself, it ranks #1 in google, and probably every other search engine wordwide.

So whenever you get the chance to make keywords into links use it.

SO thats it from your SEO in San Diego

Contact me for an seo price quote, and remember to give me some sort of idea of how much you are willing to put into your seo for your website, often people quote too much, and are supprised when I get back to them with a smaller amount, and if you have a very limited budget, we can work something out. I have several clients that pay me monthly, some for work I have done, and other for work I do each month.

Lynny who also happens to build the best seo friendly websites this side of the black stump

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Off page SEO Why you need it. Part 3

Many search engines users do not look beyond the first 5 natural search results, and definitely past the first page, unless they are looking for something very specific piece of information.

This is where search engine marketing, or search engine optimization becomes very important, since if you website doesn’t show on the first page of the search engine results, then your site may not even get visited.

It’s most important too that you use phrases your website is optimized for are actually words that people search for, it’s of no use at all to optimize your website for a words that no-one searches for or few people search for, it only make sense why.

So the hardest and most time consuming part of SEO is to find out what people actually search for, and often the results are often surprising, I know they are for me, you’d be amazed the number of people that for instances search for just one word.

One of the sites I have been optimizing for years now, often the word that finds their site the most is the word “faceted 1st most common search” or “rough” others are “gemstones 2nd most common” or “gems” . I would have thought that word combinations would be been more what people searched for eg. “rough garnets” which is the 4th most searched for.

The one good thing about ranking highly for just one word often means that phrases with those single words in them also rank highly. EG: in her website statistics which only shows the first 1000 keyphrases people used to find her website, and the word ‘gemstones” is part of 296 other phrases used to find her website.

Once a list of keywords have been established, then making the website do well for those words isn’t nearly as hard. Well for me it isn’t very hard, depending of course on the words you want to rank highly for in search engines.

Most sites, especially in New Zealand don’t have optimization, or not good optimization, so having them rank highly isn’t hard, in many cases working with a website that wants to rank well in search engines for the whole word yet be known for being a New Zealand website, like a motel, or tourism website it is much easier.

So when looking at the price guide my website on the site, do take into consideration that each site is different, and each website owners requirements are different, so each price quote will be different.

After I have done SEO on a website, one question I’m often asked is how to get more people to my website. There is really only one way to increase the number of visitors to a website, and that is by having more content (webpages) on the site. This doesn’t mean you must have menu’s that are a mile long with umpteen dozen links on it, it just means having one extra link on your site map to a page called “articles

Articles about your particular business in my case SEO articles can either be found on the internet, already written, and you can is use them just for giving credit to and a live link to the author, you could write them yourself, or get a ghost writer to write them.

Ghostwriters are often a good option you are have a website that needs unique content. The ghostwriter I use is unique in that is and English speaking woman. She is used to writing for webpage’s, so she knows how to write content that will not only be just content but also will be search engine friendly.

Therefore, your website will rank highly in search engines, for more words that may not actually be something you would rank for. I’ll use the example of a hotel again, if you were to have articles written about the various attractions in your area, one article maybe about the four ski fields with the area of your hotel.

Although you may mention the ski field on your website once on one of your pages, if there was any article specifically about those ski fields, and optimized for ski fields the your accommodation or motel website will rank highly in search engines.

You may ask how this will do any good for you, well when you add these articles to your website, you have your top banner and menu as part of the page, or just a link to homepage, and then your visitor can visit the rest of your website.

This article was written about optimization that was not done on your website. This option of having articles written can work in other ways, since those same articles can be submitted to article directory’s, and from their click to your sites. The obvious benefit about putting the articles on your own site, is people are already on your site, and can see you are a hotel. This then makes it all the easier for them to book their accommodations.

Best Regards Lynny Bishop -
Best SEO Results, from the BEST SEO!!!
New Zealand Born, English speaking SEO.

Not The Cheapest SEO, but you are paying for quality and that's what counts.

Contact Me directly.

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