Wednesday, August 27, 2008

does the yellow pages offer you a website

Yes the yellow pages do offer you a website, but they are very un search engine friendly, and cost a fortune, You would be better off, using one of our SEO friendly CMS’s, that work the same as the yellow pages websites, but only cost a fraction of the price.

We have an option to hire our SEF CMS, you only pay extra for customizations, which yellow pages don’t offer. You get their set templates. But pay for customizations, and pay a set monthly fee, the monthly fee depends on what you will be doing with the website if it’s an online shop

selling upto 100 products, it could be $50 a month, if you are selling 1000 products, it might be $200 a month. If it’s a personal website, showing your art, but not selling through the site it might only be $20 a month. Just write and ask. All prices include hosting and are not set, they are just to give you an idea of the possibilities available.

There are also times, say when you have built your site in FrontPage as a try out, and you have seen the potential of a website. Then you would be better off to start afresh with a SEF CMS, or Search Engine Friendly, Content Management System.

The CMS means you can if you wish build the whole site yourself, or have us build a professional website, and then you add your products as you see fit, or make changes to your pages as you want, this scheme you pay for the professional design, then pay a minimal monthly fee which includes hosting. Write to me at and ask about this service.

Regards Lynny

Best SEO San Diego to New Zealand

SEO Consultant

And designer of professional websites